Frequently Asked Questions

Your quick guide to GermShield

Hospital Grade Surface Disinfecting And Sanitising fogging Service

Is the Hospital Grade Disinfectant safe?

Yes, It is the smarter clean, sustainable, non-leaching, long lasting and above all, friendly to humans, pet’s and plants. Contains no chlorines, bleaches, carcinogenic or endocrine disruptive compounds and in final life, breaks down to form harmless organic compounds.

Key active ingredients are recommended by the Australian Department of Health for efficacy against COVID-19 (benzalkonium chloride) SEE HERE

Do you have the safety data sheets available for your products and how they work?

Yes, at the bottom of each page on our website we have all the relevant information available.

What do I need to do to prepare before the Hospital Grade Disinfectant fogging service?

We come in after your premises have been cleaned by your staff or your cleaning contractors. You should clean as many surfaces from visible debris, dirt and dust as possible to receive maximum benefit from our service.

We suggest you remove as many items from surfaces to have as much area exposed as possible.  The reason for this is when we fog, the disinfectant will settle onto all surfaces, and if you have books, papers etc on desks, it will not allow the fog to settle in that place and minimise your coverage of the disinfectant.

Remove any lightweight items like papers, receipts, napkins etc, as our fogging machine can blow up to 6 metres and any lightweight paper items may blow around.

If you have food or drinks exposed, you will be required to ensure they are covered to not allow the disinfectant to enter into their containers or bottles.

When we arrive we generally will start by wiping our disinfectant on the obvious high touchpoint areas like light switches, door handles, handrails, EFTPOS units, order kiosks, reception desk and any other obvious high touch point areas.

After our wipe down, we will suit up in our protective gear and if you are on site we will ask for you to move to an area that is not being treated as the fine droplets in the air from our fogging could be unsafe to inhale.  Once the area has been fogged, you will be required to not return to the area for up to 60 minutes to allow the droplets to settle and dry.

If you would like outsource to a cleaning service before our fogging please contact us, and we can put you in touch with a local contractor if we have a contact in your area.

PLEASE NOTE: If you work in a location that have smoke alarms connected to the fire brigade through a fire monitoring service, you will need to arrange to have them isolated in the area/s we are doing the service in, before we commence and for the duration of the service.

Normal fire sprinkler systems or smoke alarms not connected through a fire monitoring service will not require any isolating.

How often am I required to use the Disinfectant service?

We highly recommend venues use our service at least once as a precautionary measure.  We refer to this service as either a once off or a reset service.  By reset, we mean you know all areas are disinfected to a high standard.

If you are suspicious any viral or bacterial presence on site, or know someone who tested positive for carrying Covid-19 you should have your premises disinfected.

The most effective option is a regular service, and it can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.  We can discuss this further.

I have asthma, will it affect me?

No, but if you do have Asthma, we suggest vacating the property for 60 minutes after we finish the fogging.

What about fish, bird’s and other small pets?

The fog is made from ammonium and can harm your fish if they are exposed to it as the ammonium will sit in the water. It is recommended that your fish tanks be covered completely. If you do not have a sufficient cover, we recommend using glad wrap for 60 minutes.

For birds and other pets we recommend they are out of the room fogged for 60 minutes to allow the fine droplets to settle and dry.

They can be taken outside or into a room that isn’t going to be fogged.

If we use the fogging externally, they only need to be away for 20 minutes to allow time to dry on the surface.

If you purchase and use the hard surface spray, you won’t need to be concerned for this as it is as simple as using any spray you purchase from your supermarket.

How long do I need to leave my house or room?

You will not be required to leave your premises, but rooms that are fogged will require 60 minutes for the fog to settle, and on your return, you can touch all your surfaces as you normally would.

If we fog outside it could only be a few minutes as the weather on the day could help dry the disinfectant quicker.

Will you fog inside my cupboards and drawers?

No, we don’t, however if you have other items that you would like us to fog in there, simply leave those cupboards doors open we will fill them with fog.

What about my clothes? Will it damage the fabric?

No, the droplets are small and will have no effect on your clothes.

Where do you service?

Currently, we are servicing Sydney metro only, with plans to expand.

Do you guarantee this will last up to 30 days?

No we can’t.  We apply a sufficient amount of product, and it can be removed through use on your site which we can not control.  The matrix can be damaged with abrasion, dragging items across or just very high contact.  Some surfaces will need more frequent application just to top up the damage.

The surfaces also still need to be cleaned regularly.  This won’t remove the bonded product unless you use a very aggressive chemical.  If you are going to wipe the surfaces why not use our commercial disinfectant spray instead of another chemical, and disinfect & top up any damage with no additional labour.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions that haven’t been answered here, you can simply fill in the contact us page, and we will get back to you.